I've been hearing from a lot of people who are scared to open their hearts and spiritually move forward in these changing times. They are learning new psychic abilities, learning how to go Out-of-Body, learning to control their realities. It is affecting all of us, but we have different reactions to it. Your mind and body will only allow you to go as far as you can handle. If you are afraid, you need to put a strong shield around yourself and gather your strength. Open your heart and feel love, and allow yourself to experience new concepts (really, really new concepts).
Now is the time to choose your path and follow it diligently. We are literally manifesting our thoughts, so be careful what you focus on. The star people say that the most important thing we can do for ourselves is to stay HAPPY. Yes, I know it can be very hard to do that sometimes, but it will help tremendously if you give it a try. When you focus on being positive, you attract good, happy, positive things to you. When you allow Love to enter your life, you free your spirit. This is what you need to do now in order to lift yourself out of the muck.
Try this meditation I made. http://www.alienabductionhelp.com/htm/meditation.htm. It can help you ground, center, and shield yourself, which will give you a good foundation so you can find your inner strength.
Many Blessings to Everyone, Bonnie :-)
1). All extraterrestrials are physical carbon based, silicon based, or molecular based beings (ALL), including the
ones who use magnetic field technology to cloak themselves, to travel,and as weapons and to appear as a human. Many of the non human ET's live for 100's of years, some sub space C=H types live for thousands of years. The weapons I have seen and been subjected too are: Mind control, frequency signal control i.e. "the tower of babble", around the world the transmitters are hidden in caves, and beamed in by Grey satellite. This weapon seen by myself is difficult to describe it is a multi layer mist like carpet which contains either chemical or magnetic structures in it. This plasma mist weapon is launched from the UFO and has electrical stinging properties to it, I noticed that high intensity fire collapses the mist field. It has been shown by some Crop Circle researchers that some crop circles have similar field misting technology. Some of the "orbs", glowing ones seen are either weapons with lasers or frequency attack projections or are recording your brains thoughts and sending the info. to the reptilian greys...We humans desperately need better more advanced detection in the areas of detecting magnetic crafts in our atmosphere ( non USA saucers), frequency control detection, field technologies, laser detection and better weapons, better armed military, guns do not work against 6th dimension!!! i.e. stable plasmon technology. Some of these technologies can be detected with Geiger counters, and magnetic field detectors sold "on line", directional is preferred..also passive radar detecting magnetic changes in our atmosphere and around our homes find the electrical devices on them,and around them in their nearby craft. For your homes and cars..some of the Grey and reptilian devices can be disrupted by MHz frequency devices built at home, someone could make a small fortune selling better portable particle and wave detection, and disruption devices for our pockets. ** High voltage tazer weapons work very well. Hand held powerful battery operated magnets,in close proximity can interfere with grey technologies,the size of a cell phone, need to be mass marketed for our protection. Magnetic shielding paint can shield a room in your house where no EMF or ELF is detected! Other races of sub space beings have technology that I have seen, are defended against with hand lasers, built at home!! 2). Critical, we are not the only humans in the universe or multi verse...there are humans from Lyra, Pleiadians, Andromidan, Procyons, Acruturins, Cassiopeia, Simion, Tau Ceti, human Confederations "pro human" galaxies and billions more! 3, Even more important the Grey Federation is using Religion to "Dumb Down", all of us on earth. 3). All Religions have misleading information, there is no god, only extraterrestrials and human support groups from other worlds. The earths which NASA is just now locating are inhabited.
Our military is being attacked by the Greys, (google on the internet to get more info...), and by the Reptilian Federation all the time, all the time, The shootings at Army bases world wide are mind controlled by the
Grey/Reptilian Federation, as is the sweat lodge incident "6 hospitalized", 911, and the current state of our economy and health, chemical atmospheric "trails". *** Pay attention to numbers in the news...when you listen to the news or read the newspapers you will find a numerical correlation that is a sign of the sub-space Federation, for example "13" soldiers killed in Fort Hood, "6" miners killed in last years coal mining incident, coordinated attacks on the USA for "911". Historically, "13" students killed in Kent State in the 1960's. They use ( 8-120 MHz broadband mind control technologies piggybacked on T.V. cell phone and cable signals, important for you to remember). A strategy used by the Greys and others is to mind control, in the name of Religions "ALLAH", a not so well informed person into doing the killing or attack on our government. Obama needs to know this as he has been manipulated openly by the federated greys, those of us who understand Grey, Reptilian Military mind control Strategy and Tactics listen closely to his speeches; for example...Jesus is my mentor and I am speaking with him now, no!! Jesus is dead It was told to me Jesus did exist by some ET's, but he is dead it's an ET who learned earth languages and controlled Jesus. THESE MILITARY ET BEINGS SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH TOO!!!!!! It is not Obamas fault, nor is it Hillary Clintons fault...it was not President Kennedys fault, but the Grey military Federation did kill him in part because the Greys and others did not want us in Space. On several occasions after having meet with special forces the general in charge described a method by which they are forcing the greys and reptilian out of some cave sites. What is done is to imbed into the rock or sand, about five feet in, a speaker array through which high intensity loud sound is sent through the rock into the cave and forces them out. it was explained to us that on several occasions after a few days of this type of method several greys came out disoriented!!!
One being had an advanced weapon which I determined was a magnetic laser weapon which would track me as I moved around my home either bio metrically or by implant, I sure would like an idea on how to protect against it? It feels ***just like being under an extremely strong magnet making it very difficult to move, and think. I tried grounding myself, and to use nearby shielding to no avail....what an ordeal. This is a weapon we need to defend against...!!! I did a search to see if I could find something like it, the closest thing I got was Raytheon's, "microwave crowd control beam weapon", it was not microwaves. In the caves, and near my home the Gray types and Reptilian's make many rather "high frequency screeching sounds" like you get on t.v. interference or like the "brakes of a car" sound, I believe it's their inter dimensional technologies, using probes to come in and out of the area from their locations to mine, but I'm still uncertain!!
It's being done mainly because these other types of ET"s, Greys, Reptilian Snake beings, insectoid which are more technically advanced and regressive in the way they think and act are working together against humans, abducting women mainly and men for experiments etc.
As we speak somewhere on earth a child is being abducted for food by the reptilian's, and or for DNA by the greys I know!!! According to all law enforcement agencies their are 100,000's of kids and people missing, in the USA every year (WHERE DO THEY ALL GO)? There are technologies you can buy to protect yourselves, guns, tazers high volts, mind brain protection velostat 3M caps,velostat 3M shielding material also works in many labs with high emf use, buy it at home depot or on the internet, particle detectors, magnetic particle detectors...Critical infrared binoculars, portable magnetic field room detectors. The recessive and violent ETs have through chem trails and dropping poisons form the ships into our water supply, use water filters and A/C hepa filters, screwed our government not all of the chemicals in our oceans and local water supplies are human derived, look up chem trails on the net. Local, National and Regional Government need to do more to protect its population.!! WE must invent better ways of protection against these recessive extraterrestrial races, mind defense technologies and home shielding as well as robots to detect and defend!!!
Have extra food and defenses at home for your family, it is no coincidence that in the movies on abduction and on aliens we are seeing a lot more of ET films, on T.V. "V", house, "2012", "District 9", "New Moon" etc...They are signaling massive problems ahead with recessive non human ETs as mankind goes into "space Hotels", Luxury Space travel, more military crafts into near and far space., maybe another war? Many people are trying to educate you with films to inform you of the risks we are in! 2012, alien mind control, H1N1 grey federation attacks on humans etc, etc...
I don't know weather this is true or not but have been told by Greys that earth is entering a ***Photon Belt*** of
very dangerous particles, this explains Global Warming, within the context of a very dormant sun spot cycle. Some ancient scriptures, books that I have researched speak about a method by which humans are selected, and "THE BELT" connection opens their souls but not for all humans, ASTRAL BODIES. It has been presented to me that many societies of ETs are going to be speaking to us in the next few years, be extra careful who you stay with and communicate with, that better ET society,"War of Souls". Very Carefully choose to be with human societies! A great book to read from people who worked for the government who meditated and used frequency, brain frequencies to connect with recessive ETs is [Cosmic Explorers by Courtney Brown Remote Viewing] free on line!!!!! We as humans transmit thoughts all the time!!!!
Below is a copied section from a pleiadian channeling site on the internet, this site and others verify communications with non recessive ETs about the Photon Belt which we are in, from Melora:
"PHOTON BAND Pleiadian 1995 QUESTION: And what about the forecast of the three days of darkness when we enter the Null Zone? MELORA: This is when the Sun will become fully immersed in the Photon Band. We discussed this last time, and we wish to move beyond the forecast, for example, of the electricity becoming neutralized and batteries, and cars, and electrical devices no longer working. Although this may be true, understand that you are in a state of transformation. At the point at which . . . first there are the days of darkness-- absolute, total darkness--and people are saying, "Well, I'd better lay in some supplies, and water, and get a kerosene heater, and so on. But, you see, given your transformation, you will not need these things. And so we wish to emphasize that focusing your consciousness on your transformation, your transmutation, in the light is the most important. Now the scenario, as you may have been reading in recent books, has changed. And we wish to focus now on the various agendas of the various beings who are "spectators in the stands" in this "football game." Our strongest message is this: Aim as high as you can in your consciousness. Fifth-dimensional Pleiadians are going to want to use you as "human libraries" so that they can learn from you about dimensions above themselves through you in your connection to the Earth. Fifth-dimensional Sirians are going to wish to help you understand how three-dimensional reality manifests from ideal morphogenic structures so that you can begin now actively to co-create the peace and harmony forecast for your planet. And so, again, they are invested in your becoming fifth-dimensional humans so that they can partake of your experience, but in a different way than that of the Pleiadians. Sixth-dimensional Sirians, of which we are "one," as a group, wish to have you understand that many of you will be returning to dimensions higher than Fifth. And so in the Barbara Marciniak books, for example, her Pleiadians are saying "Oh, this is what it will be like when you're a Fifth-dimensional human." We are saying that you don't have to "stay" there. Understand that many of you are returning to angelic light resonances, and so forth. And so when you read this material, understand that these are Fifth-dimensional beings talking about their agenda, and that happens to be Pleiadian. And these are also
Fifth-dimensional, but they're Sirian, and that's a different agenda. And be discerning when you read these materials. This also applies to information about the Photon Band. The source of the information, and it is channeled . . . (Channeling is one of the few sources that is not controlled by "World Management" Teams, and what not.) Channeling often is the most direct source of the truth now--not trance channeling as in the old days. Channeling now is conscious, although the channel is in an altered state, connecting directly with the Higher Self as we are here, and we tell the truth because this [indicating Jyoti Alla-An] is one of our children, here, and we would not deceive our children--not anyone. So the scenarios about the Photon Band and about Ascension will be filtered according to the
agendas of the beings communicating through the channel. So if a channel is not coming directly from the Higher Self connection and is channeling a totally other entity who is a Fifth-dimensional Pleiadian and NOT in that soul "hierarchy," then that entity essentially can work its agenda through the channeled information. Each of you is sovereign; you must discern, because your free will is what keeps you strong in your acceleration. Your free will is also what you must always be conscious of so that you are not violated from outside your self. You need to be extremely cautious of where you are looking and who is there as a guide or as an enemy of humans, if you feel pain get out and stop , ask for the human 5th+ dimensional guides,,, "
When attacked as part of the defense use frequencies i.e. different tonal sounds like on a dead radio or on some t.v.'s "TONE", for hours...BEEP..............One of the most violent societies in all places are the short orange brown reptilian's some working with greys, if you are channeling or meditating or remote viewing be extremely careful!
Any scientist who has atmospheric x-ray, gamma ray detection please let us know about the increase in such particles vs. previous years! % ? Thank You! The earth will change violently and dramatically in just a few days, in the years leading into 2012!
The Grey Federation ruined myself and family like they did with Alex collier, and Billy Meier for example Mr. Meier's too has recently, per his web site communicating with us and warning of 2012 and other recessive nonhuman ETs.
I know about the many friendly human races who are trying to help us now.
When I was at the Grey army here in Santa FE, N.M.base, I saw many things, I have a PhD, I'm a quick learner and can now read their Sumerian type alphabet and words... I was taken on one type of craft they use, how they fly and what they use in them... ***the saucer shaped craft uses electrical batteries as propulsion power (this is why some are seen charging up on power lines), in the middle of some saucers there is a large circular ceiling to floor barrel structure it contains lithium type batteries extremely high voltage charges. The craft are made of layered and compressed metals titanium type layered compounds, the outer skin is electrified to reduce and eliminate drag and atmospheric resistance. Inside the saucer is a network of Compressed tiny (nano) frequency transmitting fiber optics for controls and for ON BOARD GUIDENCE SYSTEMS, SIMPLE. THEY USE THE EARTHS MAGNETIC AND GRAVATATIONAL FIELDS TO FLY *****************************************************
IT STINGS when touched electrical pulse). I'M NOT A PHYSICS MAJOR BUT DID STUDY SOME ENGENERING. This may be the only way we can build these craft commercially and get off the earth before these earth changes end our civilization!! Not kidding, google the last few years of forest fires around the world.
They are trying to mind control our societies through MHz frequency control, we think in about 11-80 MHz,and they use computers and oscilloscope combo. A type MRI equipment to read thoughts as we read print or as scientist
reads peaks on a graph, as well as gravitational field technology to beam in false info.
Protect and shield your brains and spinal cords!!! All of our military and armed forces should wear velostat 3M or better (signal protection electrical grounded materials on your head) caps and monitor the frequency changes around them, the government of the USA ours, needs to be informed of the greys methods and take steps to help each other, protect our families people this is real....(people in Britain were not ready, prepared for WWII, Study military history ) ...(we have a very weak and complacent military/police/NSA/CIA/) The Greys have even infiltrated some govt individuals in these agencies.........!!! Just because you were in church on Sunday and you see people speaking in tongs, falling to the floor, and saying they are talking to god? There is no god only ET groups (mostly the greys are lying about god and impersonating) , ET governments. Just because our president says, "thank you Jesus", it's mind control.......pay attention and analyze what is going on in government, it is scary, not human.
Several devices which are still being used on my self and home include, some type of beam (laser), because I saw it, and followed up on the net and found that these beams can turn off all electrical switches including some in our nuclear arsenal. How is it that these nuclear silo switches are not shielded? I'm working on electrical shielding for my computer, phones, appliances, etc.
P.S. This was written under partial duress......they know where I live. Pass the info on.
The Federated reptilian/gray/insectoid societies are using harmful technology to harm the human mind, causing
memory loss and fatigue...FIGHT BACK!!, I use the above mentioned technology and when I go out and they start to harm my body with high intensity back spasm devices i.e. microwave, particle , mind control. I use my mind and picture each attacker being attacked by me, mental warfare. They are distracted by loud music, food odors, perfumes, high intensity flood lights, mace, strobe lights, high frequency sound and our minds killing them......... I keep a gun and tazer by my side always now!!!
Listen to this highly educated and experienced old man, if you see a craft these are not dolls, these are recessive violent, harmful, controlling alien males, they have an agenda! Read the info. on the net with a grain of salt, why haven't they come forward? They will not because of violent abductions, use your logical brain the reptilian greys are ,"DEVILS, depicted correctly in many books of legend, history and many religious books. Even the Nazis contacted the Greys. Protect your brains!!! Stay away from them, Betty and Barney Hill were assaulted, all of the abduction cases are harmful rape and kidnapping humans, we in the USA have laws against these crimes yet our government turns in another direction not opposing these Ets. Because they control some people in our not yet, "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Get involved the stakes are high.
Space is much more crowded than most people know, extremely dangerous NASA knows..Our Rocket
systems and defense systems are frail... Connect the dots.........2012 We are getting close, climate change, biology, secret governments, mind control, abductions, alien technologies genetic and magnetic fields, and we wonder where they come from reverse designs from crashed UFO...Many historians believe that many earth human races i.e. Mayans lived with ET Reptilian control..
I'm building a small back yard underground shielded shelter for my wife don't laugh at me I have been through a great ordeal and know much more than most! Do we as a country, understand the risks of EMF radiation on our bodies and brain, is it not so that some highly educated people shield themselves from the cell phone radiation with either a "patch" or by using a wireless ear device or better ? Do any engineers have a million dollar idea to shield our bodies and mind from all kinds of radio/microwave/broadband EMFs the same way with a shielding patch shielding shirts and pants....our military needs them!!!!!!!!!
An entire platoon can be taken out with out ever firing a bullet shot.................frequency brain defense, are you ready to re read the page.
Hi my name is Antonio,I believe I was a abducted about 10 years ago,I was on holiday in new zealand,I stopped at a beach called whakatane,I saw 3 bright lights about 2:00 in the morning,then suddenly I woke up in my car about midday,since that night all my sences have been hightened,I have a son now,he is autistic,I think sometimes he can read my mind and I can read his without speeking,he is senctive to light to as me,just wondering does Autistim have anything to do with my abduction that night,are autistic children the second genration,just wanted to know thats all, my son is now 3,he likes looking at the stars at night as I do,and since that night I have pains in my neck and my back,and I lost time 5or6 hours disappeared,I went for a walk about 2 in the morning and I saw 3 bright lights and then I woke up in my car about midday. I havint told anybody,because I thought people might think im crazy,just worryed about my son thats all,just wanted to ask thats all
Doz my abduction have anything to do with my sons autisim,I havint told any body yet,but its like I can read his mind and he can read mine,we dont need to commicate by talking.it great because I just need to open my mind and I automaticly know what he wants without talking,eg:if he wants to go to park or what sort of food he wants pizza etc or if he wants a drink etc.we both seem senctive to light sometimes and at night we both steer at the stars for hours without out saying a word,what are your thoughts,has my abduction have anything to do with my sons autistim,are autistic children the new genration,the second gen I call them,what do you think(without talking)
To clarify the “soul”,” frequency atomic and sub atomic energies”..... The planet is processed in various energy frequency fields measured in MHz (consciousness). We think in MHz energy, watch T.V. in MHz, listen to music, video, Speak in MHz and live in MHz thus we are controlled and are MHz energy too. So some very intelligent people see and believe in ghosts, elementals, space soul beings, ETs etc. Some people get cold in some areas or when some soul beings are around, these space MHz atomic beings “steal”, take your energy. Another way to understand this is, how many times do you eat per day and why? The food is converted into energy and heat, when you encounter “ a ghost” [ soul frequency being], it feeds off your energy!! Millions of people do not sleep well, get headaches, can not concentrate...they are bathed in frequencies from hundreds of sources, the soul, brain and body never rest. Shield yourself!
Bringers of the Dawn: “Some entities, in the process of their own evolution, began to discover that as they created life and put consciousness into things through modulating the frequencies of forms of consciousness, they could feed themselves; they could keep themselves in charge. They began to Figure out that this is how Prime Creator nourished itself. Prime Creator sends out others to create an electromagnetic frequency of consciousness as a food source for itself.
The new owners of this planet had a different appetite and different preferences than the former owners. They nourished themselves with chaos and fear. These things fed them, stimulated them, and kept them in power. “ Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn. Human beings are a trapped and stable MHz frequency being...
I find staying positive to be somewhat difficult. It seems like any time something remotely positive happens to me, I'm usually bombarded with negative, sometimes demoralizing experiences that seem way beyond coincidence. I find myself being harassed for things I have never done and know nothing about. Once I started meditating, I began to notice reoccurring threads behind the incidents and that they've been happening throughout my entire life! Even though I can laugh about it I'd be lying if I said that it didn't affect me. Over time, it really wears you down. Don't get me wrong, I know other people have it much harder out there, I just don't know why I'm unable to rid myself of all the negativity despite the meditations and the advice that you give (which are a godsend thank you) on that note, I'd like to thank you for everything that you're doing. I frequent your blog and find your posts uplifting and thought provoking. Keep up the good work.
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